We will all be in this boat at some point in our lives, and need to know who is there to help. All of our working live we pay money to be able to have when we retire.
President Obama and GOP vice president Paul Ryan met at an AARP convention on Friday, in an attempt to win the older votes. So far a poll from an Associated Press-GfK released that Romney was ahead 52:41%. Voters over the age of 50 register in greater numbers and are twice as likely to cast their vote as young people. Romney's campaign stated that "Obama care was weakening Medicare" and if elected; Romney would give seniors more choice in their coverage.
Obama suggested that "Medicare and Social Security are not 'handouts' and that people have paid into them their whole lives." He also stated that "if elected Romney would turn Medicare into a voucher program that could raise seniors' health costs by up to $6,400 a year." A video was leaked by Obama's campaign saying that "Romney thinks more than half of senior citizens 'don't care about their lives', and that 47% of voters who support Obama are dependent on the government.
Polls have also shown that Obama has a slight lead and more cash on hand than Romney. Some of Romney's own party is saying that he is spending to much time raising money and not enough time talking to voters.