In the second presidential debate Obama stated that women 'rely' on Planned Parenthood for mammograms, FDA states, no they don't. Of the five offices that were called only one location provided this service.
The Department of Health and Human Services also said that no Planned Parenthood clinic in the United States has mammogram equipment.
I feel this is a reason men (president and governor) should not have a say in women's choices (abortion, etc.); THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT! What if women tried to take away the rights for men to get a vasectomy or circumcised? It is highly unlikely that that would ever be able to happen. It is our body and no one should be allowed to tell us what we can and can't do. I presume the author is aiming towards women or possibly to anyone who is not likely to vote for Obama and can rack up another mistake under his name. I agree with the author that the president is wrong and there is plenty of evidence to back it up. Where were his fact checkers on this one?